ConnectionsLinking you to your community and career.At Metro State, your education extends beyond the classroom. The College has a working relationship with the community to engage students and faculty in finding solutions to society’s problems. Metro State is addressing Colorado’s growing need for a competitive and educated workforcewhile improving students’ education and strengthening our community. When you take advantage of applied learning opportunities, you gain experience that helps you achieve your career goals. The Cooperative Education Internship Center coordinates more than 1,000 internships at more than 600 businesses and organizations every year. There are opportunities to earn wages as well as college credit, and sometimes even permanent placement after graduation. Three internship options allow you to add experience to your résumé, enhance your job skills and build your professional networks.
Career services. Getting the job.
About a third of our students volunteer their time and talents, either at a one-time event or through ongoing service. Metro State students have completed civic engagement opportunities with such organizations as:
Every month, Metro COOL (Campus Outreach and Opportunities for Learning) sponsors a project in or around Denver. Student volunteers learn job, social and humanitarian skills that serve them for a lifetime. Students build their résumés as well as their network with others in the community. studentactivities.mscd.edu/modules/cool Arts Outreach
By creating opportunities for public access to excellence in the arts, Metro State is an integral part of the cultural life of the Denver metropolitan area. Each year, we present concerts, recitals, theatre, clinics, master classes, lectures, workshops and gallery shows. |
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